Part Time Truck Driver

Wilcox Fresh - Rexburg, ID

We are looking for an individual who is over 18 years old, punctual, dependable and not afraid of work to fill a truck driver position in our company.


Truck drivers are responsible for:

-Driving to your destinations safely & obeying traffic laws.

-Maintaining a clean truck.

-Attending necessary meetings.

-Accurately filling out documents.

-Hauling loads of potatoes to assorted locations.

-Helping to unload product upon arrival at shed.

-Communicating with Supervisor, scale master, and other drivers for maximum efficiency.

-Assisting in other tasks as needed.


Benefits include:

- Safety day goal rewards

- Holiday parties


Job Requirements:

-Must have/bring your CDL.

-Must bring a copy of your driving record.

-Must take a mandatory pre-employment drug test.

-You will be subject to random drug testing throughout your employment.



Estamos buscando a una persona que sea mayor de 18 anos, responsable, puntual, y trabajador para cubrir un puesto de mechanico de trukes en nuestra shop.


Un assitente de mechanico de trukes es responsable de:

-El mantenamiento y la limpieza de su area.

-Asistir a las reuniones necesarias.

-Llenar los documentos precisamente.

-Ayudar a otras tareas segun lo necesario.

-Para los vehiculos de la compania

·         Adjustar los frenos de aire y hidraulicos.

·         Cambiar de aciete y angrase.

·         Reemplacer las juntas de las ruedas, zapatas de frenos y tambores.

·         Conducir con seguridad y ser conscientes de sus alrededores en todo momento.


Beneficios incluyen:

·         Recompensas para no tener accidentes en la bodega

·         Fiestas


Requisitos del Trabajo:

-Tener/Traer su CDL.

-Traer una copia de su registro de manejo

-Debe de tomar una prueba obligatoria de drogas antes del empleo.

-Estara sujeto a pruebas de drogas al azar durante su empleo.



This is a part time hourly wage job. Wages will depend on experience.


Please stop by our warehouse at 1110 Golden Beauty Drive Rexburg, ID and bring the required documents as stated above, and two forms of ID (driver's license, passport, social security card, birth certificate) to fill out an application.


We look forward to hearing from you!


Este es un trabajo de tiempo parcial. El pago dependara de su experiencia.


Por favor pase por nuestra bodega en 1110 Golden Beauty Drive Rexburg, ID y traer dos formas de identificacion (licencia de conducir, pasaporte, trajeta de seguro social, certificado de nacimiento) para llenar una aplicacion.


Esperamos con interes escuchar de usted!


Floyd Wilcox & Sons is an equal opportunity employer.



Pay Type


Posted: 30+ days ago

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Welcome to Wilcox Fresh! We are an agricultural business based in Rexburg Idaho that has been around since 1948. Bienvenido a Wilcoxfresh! Somos un negocio agricola basada en Rexburg, Idaho que ha existido desde 1948.... more

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